Annoying shits -------------- I've come to the conclusion that a growing majority of the people in this country are annoying,selfish,inconsiderate,oafish shits that should be wiped off the face of the Earth. Here's my top 10 hates: 1. Inconsiderate assholes who put their radios on full blast - Like we wanna hear their crap thumpa-thumpa-boom music. 2. Dog owners who let their animals crap all over the shop. Parks couldnt be any more filthy if they were nuclear dumps - They should just be called "dog-toilets" and be done with it. 3. People who write into papers saying stuff like "Its not the kind of thing we want to see on OUR TV screens" as if they are the voice of the masses. 4. Dumb-asses with car alarms who cannot get it into their thick skulls that they have to disable the alarm before opening the doors. 5. People who have loads of kids then dont take any responsibility for them. EG: Let then wander all over the place, shout and scream and generally piss you off, then blame everyone else if they come to harm. 6. Thick sheep who jam up the motorways each bank holiday - Oh, no-one else is going to think of that are they? Duh! 7. Prats who go through their lives never questioning the status quo, believing everything is Shangri-La and generally succumbing to the marriage, 2 kids, car, mortgage norm whilst looking down their noses at those who dont conform. 8. Football fanatics who make the game out to be a something more than 22 sweaty blokes chasing a bag of wind around. These are the types who call people with constructive hobbies nerds, whilst splashing out on the latest footy strip and phoning radio shows with their tedious opinions. A matter of national pride? life and death? Yeah, right. 9. People who put the alarm on their house when they go out but dont leave a contact number with anyone. When it goes off on another false alarm (normally caused by a pet - "oh, we forgot") everyone except them has to suffer. 10. People that phone you up and when you answer say "Who's that?". Its like knocking on someones door and saying "Can I help you?" when they open it! end |